Automatic Shipping Discounts Don't Apply When Bundled Products is in cart
Seun Oyebode
When the discount logic criteria are fulfilled and Bundle products are included in the cart lines, automatic shipping discounts fail to apply.
PS: This is a bug on Shopify's end. We've reported it to Shopify, and they assured us they are working on it. However, there is no definitive fix date. We are just tracking it publicly.
Tobe Osakwe
Due to the spike in recent reports of this issue, we will take this one step further and open a thread in Shopify's new developer forums to put this on Shopify's radar again.
I doubt we are the only app encountering this, so hopefully other developers will end up chiming in as well.
Tobe Osakwe
Here is the thread:
Hoping someone from Shopify will chime in and explain.