Add a tag to the order
Tobe Osakwe
Tobe Osakwe
Unfortunately, we will have to close this thread.
The reason we can't support this feature is not because we don't want to; it's because it's simply not possible.
Right now, there's no foolproof way to check if a specific discount was applied to a given order, based on the discount's ID.
If you want this to be added to our app, your best option right now is to upvote and comment on this GitHub discussion thread to ask Shopify to add the necessary changes to their API to make this possible:
If Shopify ever addresses this issue, we may revisit this request in the future.
In order to declutter our feedback board, we will close this thread. By doing so, we will be able to focus on other feature requests that are possible, and making Regios Automatic Discounts as good as possible, given the current Shopify Functions limitations.
Tobe Osakwe
Using Shopify Flow, you can automatically tag orders based on which discounts were applied.
Shopify Flow is a free app provided by Shopify. It will be a more reliable option than using apps (including ours) for automatic tagging because it runs on Shopify's own infrastructure.
For example, if our app server momentarily goes down, we might miss an event, and therefore an order might not get tagged.
With Flow, you don't have to worry about reliability, and of course, it's free.
I'm planning a blog post in the coming weeks to demonstrate how to set up flows to automatically tag orders based on:
* product discounts
* order discounts
* automatic vs. code discounts, etc.
Once that's done, I'll link it here.
Tobe Osakwe
Unfortunately, this is probably not possible, due to the way Shopify's APIs work.
If you want this to be added to our app, your best option right now is to upvote and comment on this GitHub discussion thread to ask Shopify to add the necessary changes to their API to make this possible:
Right now, there's no foolproof way to check if a specific discount was applied to a given order, based on the discount's ID.
The most we can do is check the title of discounts that were applied to the order, but if multiple discounts in the store apply discounts with the same title, then it could produce inaccurate results, which is unacceptable.
Another idea I had was to simulate our discount calculation on a given order, and then compare the applied discounts to those we would have expected our app to have applied to the order. But this is still potentially inaccurate, because:
- Multiple discounts can have the same title or discount amount.
- Shopify has complex rules for combining discounts, which we can't accurately reproduce without seeing their source code (which will never happen).
- With the new upcoming Discounts Allocator Functions API, stores will be able to define their own rules for combining discounts, which we won't be able to reproduce either.