Enable Combination of Product Discount and Free Shipping in Same Code
I am requesting a feature that would allow users to apply both a discount on products and offer free shipping using the same discount code in Shopify. Currently, discounts in Shopify are limited to either product, order, or shipping discounts. Enabling this feature would require workarounds, potentially with limitations on how seamless the process can be, and this feature would not be usable on POS systems. This feature enhancement would provide users with more flexibility in creating targeted promotions for their customers.
If you'd like us to add this feature to our app, please upvote and comment on this thread.
P.S. This feature request was generated via AI, based on the conversation with th
Tobe Osakwe
Important note: If added, this feature would require Shopify Plus.
The only way to implement this is through Checkout UI Extensions, which can only be used on Shopify Plus stores (this restriction is not within our control).
Thank you for your understanding.
Tobe Osakwe
Due to the demand for this feature, we have decided to reopen this request.
However, we have not yet committed to implementing this. As it would be a potentially complex feature to implement, we want to be sure we have considered all cases before writing any code.
At a high-level, this feature would work as follows:
- A checkout UI extension
- This would be a separate page in the app, probably called "Link discount codes" or something similar
- Would only work in the official Shopify checkout, 3rd-party not supported
- Not sure if this would work in POS checkout, probably not
Tobe Osakwe
Thanks for your input! After extensive consideration, we’ve found that adding more features hasn’t led to better outcomes; instead, it’s increased churn and support needs, which has impacted our ability to focus on what we do best: making complex discounts simple. Going forward, we’ll prioritize stability and core functionality by not adding new API integrations (for example, this would require the Checkout UI extensions API), major design changes, or advanced options that could overcomplicate the app. We appreciate your understanding as we double down on delivering a streamlined, reliable experience!
Tobe Osakwe
Merged in a post:
Combine Free Product with Free Shipping in One Discount Code
shahar or
The customer has requested the ability to combine a free product offer with free shipping into one discount code. This feature would provide flexibility and convenience for merchants to offer comprehensive promotions to their customers. The implementation could involve enabling a single discount code to apply both the free product and free shipping offers simultaneously. Please consider this enhancement for the Regios Automatic Discounts app.