Support checking collection membership in Recommendations Discount block
Tobe Osakwe
Currently, the "Recommendations Discount" app block does not support checking which collections products are in.
This is due to limitations in Shopify itself.
The Product Recommendations API, which this app block is based on, does not provide any information about which collections the products it recommends are in.
In addition, the Shopify AJAX API has no way to retrieve this information, either.
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Tobe Osakwe
This functionality is complete, and will go live in about 1 hour.
These new changes to the "Recommendations Discount" app block also include code that will greatly improve the consistency of the display of discounts within product recommendations sections.
Now, instead of just fetching product recommendations once when the page loads, we fetch them every single time we search for the corresponding elements on the page. The app will also retry this up to 5 times.
Tobe Osakwe
in progress
Tobe Osakwe
It looks like we may be able to work around the limitations of the Product Recommendations API by using the Section Rendering API.