Support discount to customer segments
Waranya Ronnakittipisut
Make it possible to apply discount to specific customer groups or segments, such as new customers.
2024/04/17 - EDIT BY STAFF:
The original request asked for the ability to create discounts for new customers.
We have a video and text tutorial on how to create first-time customer discounts in our logic builder here:
Tobe Osakwe
Unfortunately, we will have to close this thread.
As mentioned before, the reason we can't support customer segments is not because we don't want to; it's because it's simply not possible.
The linked GitHub discussion thread, where developers have asked Shopify to support customer segments in Shopify Functions, has been open for well over a year, with no ETA.
In order to declutter our feedback board, we will close this thread. By doing so, we will be able to focus on other feature requests that are possible, and making Regios Automatic Discounts as good as possible, given the current Shopify Functions limitations.
Tobe Osakwe
If you have a GitHub account, please upvote and comment on this thread to bring this to Shopify's attention:
Tobe Osakwe
Another update:
The original request asked for the ability to create discounts for new customers.
We have a video and text tutorial on how to create first-time customer discounts in our logic builder here:
Tobe Osakwe
Update on this request:
While it is still not possible to check customer segments using Shopify Functions, in the time since this request was originally submitted, we have added an advanced logic builder to our app, that lets you create complex conditions on when to apply a discount.
We have text and video tutorials on how to use it here, and will continue updating the documentation with examples soon:
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this.
Tobe Osakwe
Hi Waranya,
Thanks for your feedback.
Unfortunately, this is not possible at this time, due to technical limitations within Shopify itself.
Shopify Functions (which our app is built on) does not support checking customer segments at this time.
If this changes in the future, we will update this thread with our plans.
Francois Bosse
Tobe Osakwe: interesting. I was wondering myself the same question. Thanks
Jill Rouse
Tobe Osakwe: Maybe exclude tags then. I like the idea of segments because I can exclude the customers with parameters but if in your app I could say the discount was for all customers but exclude these tags it would work just as well. Scratch that... I figured out you already have that. AMAZING!
Tobe Osakwe
Jill Rouse: Hi Jill,
Thanks for reaching out.
Please let us know if you need any help setting up your discount with the advanced logic builder. You can definitely use it to exclude specific customers.
We're here to help!
P.S. We want to hear about your experience with our app! Please leave a review on the Shopify App Store:
Thank you so much, we appreciate it!
Tobe Osakwe
Francois Bosse Thanks for reaching out. Stay tuned, and we'll update this thread if the situation ever changes.
Jill Rouse
Tobe Osakwe And now it isn't working.
Tobe Osakwe
Jill Rouse: Hi, we're sorry you are encountering issues in our app.
Can you please provide more details about the problem you're facing?
Also, for support inquiries, please reach out to us directly through our support chat, to get a response as fast as possible: