Tobe Osakwe
Recent request: see # of revenue generated from a promotion
Tobe Osakwe
Tobe Osakwe
Recent request: "Can I check the number of times each individual discount has been used and the total amount discounted for each?"
Tobe Osakwe
Unfortunately, we will have to close this thread.
The reason we can't support this feature is not because we don't want to; it's because it's simply not possible to implement
analytics.Right now, there's no foolproof way to check if a specific discount was applied to a given order, based on the discount's ID.
For more details on this, please read my comments on this thread:
If you want this to be added to our app, your best option right now is to upvote and comment on this GitHub discussion thread to ask Shopify to add the necessary changes to their API to make this possible:
If Shopify ever addresses this issue, we may revisit this request in the future.
In order to declutter our feedback board, we will close this thread. By doing so, we will be able to focus on other feature requests that are possible, and making Regios Automatic Discounts as good as possible, given the current Shopify API limitations.
Chance Marine
Make it possible to pull reports from Regios for individual discounts and track the revenue generated by each, especially when using "parent" discounts to work around the Shopify limit. They'd like to have detailed analytics for each discount instead of just the parent discount's stats. This feature would greatly enhance their ability to analyze the effectiveness of specific discounts.
Tobe Osakwe
Hi Tim,
Just following up - can you please go into details about which data points you are looking for our app to report?
Otherwise, we may have to close this thread soon, due to low demand so far.
If you can make your request as specific as possible, it will increase the likelihood other users upvote it.
We prioritize which features to add based on the number of upvotes.
Tobe Osakwe
Hi Tim,
Thanks for reaching out.
What specific data points are you looking for?